Mary Richards reports — from radio to Church News journalist
Mary Richards spent nearly two decades working as a reporter for KSL NewsRadio in the heart of Salt Lake City. Working near the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mary had many opportunities to report on Latter-day Saint events and members. During her radio career, she produced numerous radio documentaries that aired between general conference sessions. While working on these projects, from covering the temple dedication in Haiti to exploring the Sacred Grove for the bicentennial celebration of the First Vision, she was able to see the good work of the Church roll forward. She joins this episode of the Church News podcast to discuss her recent move to the Church News staff where she is working to help create a “Living Record of the Restoration.”
The Church News Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners to make a journey of connection with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the globe. Host Sarah Jane Weaver, reporter and editor for The Church News for a quarter-century, shares a unique view of the stories, events, and most important people who form this international faith. With each episode, listeners are asked to embark on a journey to learn from one another and ponder, “What do I know now?” because of the experience. Produced by KellieAnn Halvorsen.
More Episodes
1 x 159 Issac and Rebecca Goeckeritz on dealing with disappointment and utilizing talents to bring people closer to Christ
190 As Church releases 13 new hymns, leaders discuss ongoing hymnbook project and sacred music
189 Salt Lake Temple renovation update with Brent Roberts and Andy Kirby
188 Deseret News opinion editor Jay Evensen on forgiveness and peacemaking
187 Olympic hopeful runner Courtney Wayment on ‘belief, resilience, faith and hope’
186 Getting to know the new General Authority Seventies through their own words and testimonies
185 President and Sister Oaks on the blessing of returning to the Philippines and the Urdaneta Temple dedication
184 Church News editor Ryan Jensen on finding purpose in gospel principles amid life’s ups and downs
183 April 2024 general conference — leaders emphasize the importance of temples, covenants and joy
182 The Tabernacle Choir brings musical ‘Hope’ to the Philippines as it continues its world tour
181 BYU–Hawaii and the Polynesian Cultural Center: Teaching and sharing the 'aloha spirit' and love of Christ
180 BYU–Hawaii President John S.K. Kauwe III on the spiritual and intellectual mission of the university
179 Church historians reflect on the spiritual significance of the historic Kirtland Temple, other sites, artifacts
177 The Rev. Que English on the power of and need for interfaith efforts
176 Elder Clark G. Gilbert on the expansive Church Educational System and the power of involving the Lord in learning
175 Church News reporter Christine Rappleye on continual service and the covenant path
174 RootsTech 2024 theme 'Remember' reaches across nationalities, religions and generations
173 BYU coach Jennifer Rockwood on the mantle of a BYU athlete and the remarkable 2023 women’s soccer season, with Sheri Dew as guest host
172 The ever-expanding BYU Speeches collection with curator Charles Cranney
171 The 2024 youth theme with President Steven J. Lund and President Emily Belle Freeman on becoming active disciples of Christ
170 The Sunday School general presidency on personal conversion, the 2024 ‘Come, Follow Me’ curriculum and the Book of Mormon
169 Elder Dale G. Renlund on his testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Church’s distribution of 200 million copies of the sacred text
168 Recounting significant Latter-day Saint news of 2023 with Deseret News editors Doug Wilks and Hal Boyd
167 FamilySearch’s Dan Call on honoring family history and traditions in the Christmas season
166 Tabernacle Choir President Mike Leavitt and Director of Member Support Karmel Newell on the future of the choir and the power of music at Christmas
165 Aaron Sherinian of Deseret Management Corp. on inviting connection around the world and across faiths this holiday season
164 Historian Matthew C. Godfrey on the ongoing legacy of the St. George Utah Temple
163 Elder Gary E. Stevenson reflects on the Okinawa Japan Temple — a symbol of peace in a land once defined by war
162 President M. Russell Ballard, 1928 — 2023: Celebrating his life in his own words
161 Oxford’s the Rev. Dr. Andrew Teal — Part 2: The reverberations of interfaith friendships with David W. Checketts and Deb Checketts, former London England Mission leaders
160 Oxford’s Rev. Dr. Andrew Teal — Part 1: Building bridges of interfaith friendship with Elder Matthew S. Holland of the Seventy; with Sheri Dew as guest host
158 Ronald K. Esplin, other historians discuss the upcoming Brigham Young Papers Project and the prophet’s life and legacy
157 Rabbi Joseph Charnes on the power of general conference as a member of a different faith
156 October 2023 general conference: Leaders emphasize covenant keeping and invite all to ‘think celestial’
155 Getting to know President C. Shane Reese, the new president of Brigham Young University
154 Elder Kyle S. McKay and Keith A. Erekson on the 200th anniversary of the angel Moroni's first visits to Joseph Smith and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon
153 Seeking and giving spiritual solace amid the Maui wildfires, with Church News reporter Mary Richards
152 Forgiveness expert Dr. Loren Toussaint on the health benefits and blessings of forgiving
151 Coach Bronco Mendenhall and his wife, Holly Mendenhall, talk about family, faith and football with guest host Sheri Dew
150 Gail Miller on helping millions to ‘Know Brother Joseph Again,’ through the now completed Joseph Smith Papers Project
148 New Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman hopes to create a community of young women who feel connected to the Savior
147 BYU runner Kenneth Rooks on winning the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships in steeplechase after falling — and getting up
147 Messages from the 2023 Seminar for New Mission Leaders, part 2 — the second edition of ‘Preach My Gospel’ is for every member and missionary
146 Messages from the 2023 Seminar for New Mission Leaders, part 1 — the second edition of ‘Preach My Gospel’ is for every member and missionary
145 Ellis Ivory, executive director of ‘This Is The Place Heritage Park,’ on history, heritage and faith
144 Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon on the lessons learned while serving Latter-day Saint children, youth
143 In celebration of United States’ Independence Day, President Dallin H. Oaks and his call to protect religious freedom
142 Sandy Utah Willow Creek Stake leaders on serving ‘in the world, but not of the world’
141 The Relief Society general presidency on how ‘Jesus Christ is Relief’
140 Reporter Rachel Sterzer Gibson on how her experience at the Church News has helped her see the Lord’s hand in her life
139 ‘And the truth shall set you free’: Historians discuss the Mountain Meadows Massacre and its aftermath
138 In honor of his 90th birthday, President Eyring shares life lessons on service, modern prophets and his testimony of Jesus Christ
137 The commissioner of Family Services on the importance of mental and emotional health
136 Prolific songwriter Janice Kapp Perry on sharing her testimony of the Savior through her music
135 Utah Policy editor Holly Richardson on how her testimony has helped her tackle the unpredictabilities of motherhood
134 Dean Brigitte C. Madrian of the Marriott School of Business on the positive influence of BYU
133 Elder David A. Bednar on Latter-day Saint temples and the ‘power of godliness’ that comes through covenants and the ordinances
132 Church News Spanish translation coordinator Nadia Gavarret on the universal blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ
131 10 international singers on performing with The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square during general conference
130 April 2023 general conference recap: Leaders invite all to come unto Christ, be peacemakers
129 General conference special hosted by Mary Richards: How JustServe is blessing the world, one project at a time
128 ‘My soul delighteth in the song of the heart’: Ryan Eggett, a music manager for the Church, on the power of music
127 The communications director for Mesa Temple Events, Jill Bishop Adair, on their historic Mesa Easter Pageant
126 Church history specialist Ken Adkins on the Belle Harris Prison Journal and her story of faith amid persecution
125 Elder Kevin S. Hamilton and FamilySearch CEO Steve Rockwood on how RootsTech 2023 is ‘Uniting’ family history fans worldwide — virtually and in-person
124 New Deseret News publisher Burke Olsen on why the Church owns a newspaper and its mission to be a voice of ‘light and truth’
123 What does ‘all in’ gospel living mean to Latter-day Saint Living podcast host Morgan Jones Pearson?
122 Cotopaxi founders Davis and Asialene Smith on stepping away from their company to serve as mission leaders in Brazil
121 The Young Women general presidency on how youth are proving they ‘Can Do All Things Through Christ’
120 Church History Department’s Matt Heiss on collecting, preserving and sharing records
119 Inside Church Headquarters: The Presiding Bishopric and their role to provide temporal support to the divine mission of the Church
118 Three of President Russell M. Nelson's children celebrate his 5 years as prophet, offering a glimpse into his role as a father
117 An interfaith conversation on ‘sharing goodness’ and the Tabernacle Choir, with social media influencers from the Philippines
116 Deseret News Executive Editor Doug Wilks reflecting on 2022 and on seeking joy through Christ amid trials
115 A historical visit to Bethlehem at the Savior’s birth, with BYU Professor Dr. Matthew Grey
114 The Sunday School general presidency on coming closer to Jesus Christ using the 2023 ‘Come, Follow Me’ curriculum on the New Testament
113 Light the World 2022: A reminder that ‘The World Needs Your Light’ all year
112 Church News reporter Trent Toone on family, faith and choosing Christ
111 Discussing the diaries and discourses of Emmeline B. Wells and Eliza R. Snow
110 The first two women appointed to the Church’s Military Advisory Committee discuss serving Church and country
109 Deseret News national politics editor on what the American Family Survey reveals about family, marriage
108 President M. Russell Ballard on how living the gospel requires ‘faith in every footstep,’ with guest host Sheri Dew
107 Rabbi Meir Soloveichik on connecting to other faiths through scripture and shared principles
106 The Young Men general presidency on how the new ‘For the Strength of the Youth’ guide helps youth choose Christ
105 Elder S. Gifford Nielsen on the Black 14, feeding the hungry and healing communities, with guest host Sheri Dew
104 October 2022 General Conference recap: ‘Overcoming the world through your covenants with God’
103 Church News chief copy editor David Schneider on coping with trials and change by choosing to focus on miracles
102 A gospel-centered approach to administering psychological first aid with therapist Kevin Broderick, featuring Mary Richards as guest host
101 What Church News editor Sarah Jane Weaver knows now after 100 episodes of the Church News Podcast
100 Elder Ronald A. Rasband and Elder S. Mark Palmer on the growing and influential Church in Africa, with guest host Sheri Dew
99 Former federal Judge Thomas B. Griffith on the importance of religious liberty and political civility
98 BYU Education Week administrator Bruce Payne on celebrating a century of spiritual and academic learning
97 The Summers family on finding healing comfort by trusting God’s plan amid continuing medical trials
96 Approaching his 90th birthday, President Dallin H. Oaks shares lessons learned during the past nine decades
95 Elder Massimo De Feo, the president of the Church’s Europe Central Area, on the ‘unparalleled future’ of Europe despite trying times
94 New Relief Society President Camille N. Johnson on how understanding divine nature and purpose leads to lasting happiness
93 New Primary General President Susan H. Porter on how teaching and serving children can be life-changing
92 Church Historian and Recorder, Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr., on the vital role of Church History
91 Managing Director of the Church History Department Matt Grow on the importance of celebrating past and present pioneers
90 Deseret News family policy reporter talks about her youth and what she learned about 'seeing' from blind parents
89 Latter-day Saint researcher on how cultivating thankfulness and indebtedness to God increases overall happiness
88 President Steven J. Lund and Sister Rebecca L. Craven on how FSY conferences can strengthen the faith of the rising generation
87 Looking back on what Church leaders, others of influence have said about the historic Washington D.C. Temple
86 Sister Carol F. McConkie, a former member of the Young Women general presidency, on building bridges of sisterhood through service, advocacy and education
85 Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and Sister Patricia Holland, with guest host Sheri Dew. Part 2: Becoming disciples of Jesus Christ
84 Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and Sister Patricia Holland Part 1: Service, health, faith and devotion to Jesus Christ, featuring Sheri Dew as guest host
83 Deseret News religion reporter Kelsey Dallas on the importance of religious freedom
82 How a unique ‘Reverse Open House’ is helping build interfaith relationships in the Washington D.C. area
81 Davis and Asialene Smith, founders of the Cotopaxi gear company, on being better member missionaries
80 ‘Saints Volume 3’ editors detail documenting a history that highlights globalization of the Church and overcoming trials
79 Utah Area President Elder Kevin W. Pearson on the positive influence the area has on the global Church; featuring Sheri Dew as guest host
78 How youth and young adults are changing lives using JustServe
77 April 2022 general conference recap: Jesus Christ offers peace in turbulent times
76 President M. Russell Ballard shares memories of general conference, emphasizes the need to anchor faith in Christ
75 Elder Brent H. Nielson on the expansion of missionary work in a digital age
74 Relief Society President Jean B. Bingham on the 180th anniversary of the worldwide women’s organization
73 Incorporating spiritual strategies to forge emotional resilience, with David T. Morgan
72 Bishop Keith B. McMullin on key Christlike leadership principles that bless work, life and family
71 RootsTech 2022 organizers on what it means to ‘Choose Connection’ in a divided world
70 The expansive enterprise of the Salt Lake Temple renovation project, with Brent Roberts and Andy Kirby
69 Elder D. Todd Christofferson and President Brent L. Top emphasize drawing courage from history to face modern challenges
68 The Young Men general presidency on trusting in the Lord and strengthening Latter-day Saint youth
67 Sister Wendy W. Nelson on being an eyewitness to President Russell M. Nelson’s four years as Prophet
66 BYU athletic directors Tom Holmoe and Liz Darger on excellence in sports, BYU’s Honor Code, gospel principles; featuring Sheri Dew as guest host
65 Ethiopia Addis Ababa Mission leaders speak about faithfully and flexibly serving the Lord amid trials and the pandemic
64 Using critical conversation to empower and protect children online with founder Deanna Lambson
63 Deseret News Executive Editor Doug Wilks on how connection helped overcome contempt in 2021
62 Service at Christmas and beyond, with JustServe Global Manager Heath Bradley
61 Mary Richards reports — from radio to Church News journalist
60 The Sunday School general presidency on the blessings of discovering old friends while studying the 2022 ‘Come, Follow Me’ curriculum on the Old Testament
59 Sister Uchtdorf and her daughter share how their German Christmas traditions help them celebrate the birth and life of the Savior
58 The positive power of President Nelson’s #GiveThanks invitation one year later
57 BYU-Idaho professors Eric and Sarah d’Evegnée on faith, testimony and reconversion
56 Three senior Apostles reflect on returning to their missionary roots in the British Isles
55 Latter-day Saint musician Wayne Burton on sharing talents to lift and testify of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ
54 The multigenerational blessings of senior missionary service with Elder Weatherford T. Clayton
53 Historian Spencer W. McBride on the importance of the Nauvoo Temple for early Church pioneers and for Latter-day Saints today
52 Reimagining missionary work with the executive director and managing director of the Church Missionary Department, Elder Marcus B. Nash and Brother David N. Weidman
51 During the 191st Semiannual General Conference, Church leaders testify of Jesus Christ and urge members to strengthen their spiritual foundations
50 Elder Brook P. Hales, secretary to the First Presidency, on the preparations for general conference
49 The unifying language of the gospel with the Church News translation coordinator, Vanessa Fitzgibbon
48 BYU Professor Julianne Holt-Lunstad on the loneliness epidemic and the power of connection
47 As President Russell M. Nelson celebrates his 97th birthday, Sheri Dew and Michael Colemere share the insights and lessons they have learned from the Prophet
46 Former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt on his new role as president of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
45 Shannon Allred Cox: The miracle of easing personal trials through service
44 Following the recent First Presidency message on masks, immunizations, Richard E. Turley Jr. reflects on the lessons of history
43 Church History Library Director Keith A. Erekson on dispelling latter-day myths and rumors
42 Church historic sites and the testifying ‘spirit of place,’ with Gary Boatright Jr. and Benjamin Pykles
41 Latter-day Saint women leaders on the influential voice of women in the Church through executive councils and revelation
40 President M. Russell Ballard and three other Apostles on why and how the Church is governed by councils
39 Church News senior reporter Jason Swensen reflects on Latter-day Saint athletes who showcase discipline and persistence
38 Gold Star Widow Jennie Taylor on resilience amid life's trials by practicing faith and seeking personal revelation
37 Sister Reyna I. Aburto of the Relief Society general presidency on mental and emotional health and the power of turning to the Savior for comfort
36 Norman C. Hill on the silver linings of aging faithfully
35 Young Men and Young Women General Presidents Steven J. Lund and Bonnie H. Cordon on reengaging in the Children and Youth program of the Church post-pandemic
34 Former Church Historian Richard E. Turley and Film Director Mauli Junior Bonner on the Importance of Early Black Pioneers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
33 Church Historian Kate Holbrook on the dedication of early Church members in Nauvoo and how they can inspire Latter-day Saints today
32 Get to know the new Primary General Presidency
31 Finding increased joy, healing and protection through family history work with Church News reporter Sydney Walker
30 Elder Craig C. Christensen discusses directing the work of the Church’s Utah Area during the COVID-19 pandemic, featuring Church News reporter Scott Taylor as guest co-host
29 England London Mission leaders President David Checketts and Sister Deborah Checketts, with guest host Sister Sheri L. Dew, discuss missionary work during the pandemic
28 Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf discusses how to incorporate pandemic lessons as we move ‘back to the future’ of missionary work
27 BYU Women's Conference Chair Sister Rosemary Thackeray on this year’s virtual event: ‘I am a Child of God. His Promises are Sure’
26 Elder Quentin L. Cook on the continued blessings of the interlocking pattern of revelation
25 During the 191st Annual General Conference, Church leaders testify of Jesus Christ and the promised blessings of righteousness
24 Elder David A. Bednar highlights a pattern for listening to and studying conference messages, featuring Scott Taylor of the Church News as guest host
23 Jill Manning on lighting the way to protect homes and families from the darkness of pornography
22 Even in a pandemic Charity Never Faileth: The Relief Society at 179 with President Jean B. Bingham
21 Sister Kristen M. Oaks, with guest host Sister Sheri L. Dew, speaks on building marriage, family and universal relationships through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, no matter your state in life
20 Celebrating 90 years of Church News: Former editor Gerry Avant talks about her nearly five decades of Church News reporting
19 Matthew J. Grow, Managing Director of the Church History Department, on connecting to the people in the Doctrine and Covenants through historical exploration
18 Rootstech 2021: The world’s largest family history event is free and virtual, with Elder Kevin S. Hamilton and FamilySearch CEO Steve Rockwood
17 Counselors in the Primary General Presidency look ahead to the historic Friend-to-Friend broadcast and discuss the willingness of children who are “Trying to Be like Jesus”
16 Anxiety and a Church resource for Life Help
15 Temples in a pandemic year: Closures, reopenings, continued growth and increased appreciation with Church News managing editor Scott Taylor
14 The Sunday School general presidency on the invitation to seek revelation as exemplified in the Doctrine and Covenants
13 BYU-Pathway Worldwide President Clark Gilbert on the blessings of accessible higher education
12 Sister Wendy Nelson speaks about witnessing President Nelson’s prophetic calling in the first three years of his service: Featuring Sheri Dew as guest host
11 Observations on prophetic invitations with Boyd Matheson, Opinion Editor of the Deseret News
10 Doug Wilks, Deseret News Editor and Salt Lake Stake President, on journalism and hope in 2020
9 How the Primary general presidency, Latter-day Saint Charities and the Friend magazine are encouraging children to joyfully serve
8 Celebrating a non-traditional Christmas with the Tabernacle Choir
7 Elder Jeffrey R. Holland on turning to God amid the trials of the pandemic
6 President Russell M. Nelson’s historic invitation to #GiveThanks
5 Capturing more than photos with Deseret News photographer Jeffrey Allred
4 President Bonnie H. Cordon: The 150-year legacy of Young Women — an invitation of faith
3 Finding faith in the embers of our trials
2 Celebrating Betters Days: The pioneering saints of the suffragette movement
1 President M. Russell Ballard celebrates 92 years of life and service
Why we're starting a podcast
Relief Society general presidency celebrates the 182nd anniversary of the organization